The Devil's Pool

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

Wherever you travel in this world, you will find in some form or other a local legend, whether it be a long-abandoned house, a strange animal siting, or some attribute of the landscape, the wanderer will find that the locals tell awe-inspiring and frightening tales of the place or thing, giving anecdotal evidence that is as impossible to verify or disprove as it is extraordinary. Before the days of modern entertainment, people of some more isolated lands needed ways to divert their minds from the mundaneness of their existence and delight the young in telling of magic lurking close by, dangerous and enthralling.

The Devil's Pool is one such location, in an area of northern Arkansas with many high hills and small rounded mountains that are distinguishable one from the other only by the authority of surveyors who have set a marked height for what is a mountain and what is merely a hill. The locals didn't bother with such things, calling the aggregate merely "the hills."

In these hills, the Devil's Pool was one where the source of the water came from below the ground, draining itself out by a small stream known as Settler's Water. To the early settlers of the area who named the brook, the pool which was the source of their drinking water was an oddity, seeming to manifest itself out of nothing. The water was not still, for there was in the central area where the water originated; the rising water flowed unevenly, making a pattern of five points as it welled up from the ground and splayed itself out over the pool, the water dancing about as if this water were a live thing, and from time to time small noises came from the pool's center, a low moaning sound, as if someone or something was in great pain. Unable to fathom the cause of this sound, the people decided it was the moan of the Evil One Himself. A few brave souls chose to swim and dive into the pool and of those who did, a few disappeared as if by magic. All who did disappear were young men and boys, between the ages of six and twenty-five, for the magic seemed to disdain taking those young or older than these ages.

This was thus the provenance of the Devil's Pool of Chitlin Ridge and the generations of residents that lived nearby each cautioned their young to never dare to enter those waters, for the Devil that lived there was hungry and feasted upon young boys such as they.

But young boys are as adventurous as they are fearless, death has not brushed them and they cannot conceive of such things relating to themselves, death is merely what their elders tell about the ones who lie buried under mounds of earth marked with slabs of stone with words telling of who lays beneath the grass and wilted flowers. This is to be deplored rather than mourned, and had no hold upon them, they were alive and they wanted to explore, and the warnings of the gray-haired doomsayers were tossed about as carelessly as if it were an old toy they were long used to and no longer regarded as holding any real value to themselves.

Thus it was in that warm summer day of 1873 that seven boys, schoolmates who lived near enough each other to while away the long hot days in play, dared to venture to the Devil's Pool for their watery sport, for Settler's Stream was none too wide or deep, and what places it had that a boy could swim were pre-empted by fishermen or families laden with squalling children and voluble womenfolk who only interrupted their eternal gossiping to scold and chase away such vagrant boys as they. So they chose to go to the Devil's Pool for their play, knowing at least there, none would chase them away from the water.

"Come on, hurry up!" Luke called out as he tugged off his ragged clothing. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" At the age of eleven, he was eldest and thus in temporary charge of the small squad.

The other six boys cheered and scurried to do the same, and soon in mere seconds of their arrival, seven young unclad golden-skinned boys raced to dive into the waters of the Devil's Pool. They argued which of them had in fact been last into the pool, for while two of them had dived, three more had waded in and it was a bone of contention whether the time in the air before impact counted as being "in" the water or whether some part of their body had to be wet before they could call it "in." They reached no conclusion, and proceeded to engage in the hijinks of boys playing in the water, swimming, diving, dunking each other, splashing each other, wrestling at times, briefly becoming angry but soon mending their friendships to engage in more play.

One boy, Zeb, age nine, was one of the best swimmers in the group, he could hold his breath underwater for almost three minutes before he would need to come up for air, so he delighted in diving under water, swimming beneath the others' legs treading water while they talked or played, and reaching up and pulling the bodies those legs were attached to under the water in surprise, and swimming away, perhaps to snatch down another, before the first lad could understand what had happened to his buoyancy, or knowing and cursing Zeb's antics in fluid syllables both profane and inexpertly applied.

Zeb, watching their reactions from a safe but short distance away, laughed heartily, his pale brown hair shining in the sun, the waters on his body making the skin sparkling golden and he seemed as if he were not truly of this world, but of another, a world of water, who had peered out to look at the earth dwellers with his eyes of glittering emeralds, and mock them in their awkward attempts to become as he was by his very nature.

Tiring of this playful taunting of his friends, Zeb said to the others, "I'm going to swim out to the middle and see where the water is coming from."

"It's the Devil's mouth!" cried out the still-gullible Noah, age seven. "He'll eat you!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!" laughed Zeb carelessly. "If he tries, I'll bust him on the lips. I'm going to sit on it and let it push me up into the air again, I bet that's a great ride!"

"Don't do it, don't!" cried out Noah, but Zeb was already stroking vigorously toward the central "star" of the Devil's Pool, intent on his errand.

The churning waters obscured the depths as he approached, but when he dived, the waters beneath were clear as a bell, and he could see the column of warm water reaching up from below. He swam to get nearer to it, and the waters clutched at him, pushing him away, but he fought it, and the water grew stronger and Zeb felt to his surprise the clutch of a hand that felt not quite human, he tried to see who or what it was but was yanked downwards too fast to see, down, down, down, down into a churning, seething maelstrom of water...

He lost consciousness from being underwater so long, and woke up, still naked but quite dry, and sat up on the soft grass and looked around him.

"Where am I?" he asked nobody in particular.

A male laugh greeted him and he jerked around to see a rather handsome man as nude as himself, standing proudly muscled and healthy and free, looking down at Zeb. "A new arrival!" he called out. "We have a new arrival!"

Other male voices, further away, cheered that news, while the first man squatted down beside Zeb as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be doing, and said, "My name is Mizak." He grinned at the bewildered boy with straight, clean, white teeth. "Welcome to this place."

"I'm Zeb. Please to meet you." Zeb said and extended his hand. Mizak peered at the hand and took it but only held it, Zeb forced the man's hand to shake up and down and then yanked his own hand away with some effort and Mizak laughed again. "But where are we?"

"We" Mizak waved about. "That is all I can tell you."

The "here" was halfway between a garden and orchard, halfway between cultivated and wild. Every tree bore fruit, many kinds of it new to Zeb, all of which appeared to be ripe. Every bush held its berries, and none seemed to bear thorns. The sky was blue but the sun's rays were only warm and Zeb noted with some bemusement that there were no shadows on anything. Nor were there clouds in the sky. None of this made any sense to a young Arkansawyer boy such as Zeb.

"But...but what is this place?"

"Again, I know not. It may be Heaven, it may be Hell, it may be some other fabled land of which the ancients have spoken and lost to Man, I can not say. But you are here, and as I have found you, you belong to me."

Zeb blinked at that. "Now, they done outlawed slavery in Arkansas." he stated. "I was freeborn, anyhow." The turmoils of the Civil War were still ripe in the minds of Zeb's parents who had suffered through it, but Zeb had known no other life than how it was since he was born.

"I did not mean that." Mizak said. "I meant, you are to be with me." The man sat down beside Zeb on the grass. "Let us celebrate our joining in this glorious moment."

Zeb was taken into Mizak's strong arms and he struggled slightly against the man who was now kissing his left breast. "Now hang on a dang minute!" he exclaimed. "My maw and paw don't cotton to this sort of thing."

"But they are not here." Mizak said. "Only you and I are here, along with the other men and boys. Come, this is not a sadness, this is a joy. Do you know how old I am?"

"No." Zeb said, then guessed, "Twenty-three?"

"I know not my own age but I can tell you that countless, endless days have come and gone, centuries at least, perhaps eons. I cannot say, time has no meaning here. Food and water are plentiful and easy to obtain, the sky glows but there is no sun and no moon, you wake and eat and drink and love, and sleep again, nobody can know. I was a young warrior in the army of Sargon the Great, other men have told me that this makes me a thousand years old. I went swimming one warm night in a small pool not far from Ninevah, and it brought me here. Other men had come the same way, and countless boys of course. We do not fight, we do not argue, there is no anger or jealousy or fear. There is only the Here."

He kissed Zeb again and this time Zeb didn't struggle. Mizak's warm body stirred up passions within him he had not yet put into words, the delight of the body were dormant inside of him, but under this man's gentle presence, they were waking up.

He moaned and Mizak's prick brushed his leg and he reached down and gripped it like he had gripped Stephen's little cock the last time the boy and he had spent a night together. Boys played like this, but learned not to talk about it, and parents either scolded or laughed, but rarely punished it. But a man's cock was bigger and stronger and thicker and...and wonderful!

Mizak laid Zeb back on the sward of grass and moved to kiss his way down the boy's lithe, clean, soft body, and he reached the boy's infant manhood standing proudly upwards in all three inches of its glory and he took the young dong into his mouth and he sucked upon it and Zeb groaned and writhed with the pleasure stirring in his loins.

Mizak's own body was moving to get closer to him, he saw the thick dong questing for his face, the head like a sniffing bloodhound, and Zeb moaned anew and let the fat pud close in and when it arrived, he took it in his own lips without hesitation.

Mizak moaned in pleasure, then in short, easy, kind words, instructed Zeb on what to do to bring joy to his throbbing male staff, and soon Zeb was moving easily and Mizak moaned and gave no more instruction, but returned to nursing Zeb's own prick with zest and vigor.

Zeb's young peter reached orgasm first, he groaned and writhed as his young dong delivered an ecstatic performance under Mizak's expert ministrations. Zeb was shaken to his very core by this glorious feeling, he didn't care what he had to do from now on, he was getting this again, and soon as he could, from this man or another. If he got back to Arkansas, he was going to find another man like this one no matter what it took and when he did, he was never letting go!

He resumed his panting efforts on Mizak who lay back and let the boy perfect his now-eager technique on his manly tool and he sighed, "Ahhh, most delightful of any age is the young boy, in my age, we would send our sons to warriors such as myself to let them be trained in the arts of war and of love, and here, there is no need for war for there is nothing about which to fight. All is plentiful, all is peaceful, we come from many, many lands, but no matter how long the time or where Mizak came from, we are all here and will remain here, eternally happy and beautiful."

Zeb began to play with Mizak's testicles, and the man gasped and writhed, his verbiage forgotten and replaced by wordless moans. Zeb knew he had found the key to this man's excitement and he persevered, taunting the testicles with his delightful digits, and stroking them into velvet coated madness with steam aboil.

"Ahhh, ahhh, my delight nears me, I reach for the divine moment, I reach, I reach...I am there! AHHH, AHHHH, AHHH-HAHH-GUHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNN!"

Zeb greeted the rush of hot white seed with equanimity, he was not a city boy ignorant about what bulls and cows did and how, he knew men were the same, so he expected rather than was surprised by the liquid explosion in his lips, he tasted the male nectar of virility and chose to drink it, he swallowed and captured all but a small vagrant strand which dribbled down his chin as he drained the man's balls and sucked to seek out the last dregs of this man's bliss.

Mizak moaned, and reached down, hauled Zeb up his muscled body to lie up on his chest and he saw and licked the small blob of white that was now dangling as a bead off the tip of the boy's chin.

"Ahhh, that was good, very good, for a first time." Mizak said. "You are young and you will learn more, much more. But for now, are you hungry? I am."

"I could eat something if you got it." Zeb allowed.

Mizak smiled. "There is always food about, you see it hanging in all directions. Here, let me lift you to the branches and you can pluck for us each two or three of this yellow fruit." He held the boy into what a more knowledgeable Zeb realized was a peach tree, and he gathered up five of the plump yellow-and-pale red fruits and brought them down to Mizak, giving him three and keeping two for himself. After that, he and the man picked a variety of the berries the bushes held.

"There is always food about." Mizak said. "One could long for wine or for meat, but the food we have is enough for our needs and the tastes and variety is plentiful. Eat and do not worry about how you will eat tomorrow, we will rest a while and then we will love again."

They lay back on another patch of grass much like the one they had left to seek food, and Mizak regaled Zeb with tales of long ago Babylon, and returned the favor with stories of the Civil War as he had heard the veterans tell.

"Ahhh, the stories of war are the same whether fought with spears or those rifles you mentioned, they deal with slaughter and anger and pain and sorrow in equal measure. I suppose we could get together with other men and make war upon others, fashion weapons from the trees and bushes, or such. But again, there is no need. Here, let me tell you of another type of struggle, the struggle for love."

He told a tale of two lovers held apart by the quarrels of their elders and that reminded Zeb of the story he had learned about in school about Romeo and Juliet and he gave Mizak a garbled but recognizable version of it, and Mizak told him the tale of Gargamel, and Zeb returned with the tale of Genesis.

"Ahhhh, the old tales, they lack a certain flavor here. Here there is only the here and now, and here we can cast aside such things as are the making of tales. Here, we can love...." He bent over Zeb and kissed his soft lips and Zeb this time joined in earnestly. He slid down to nurse the man's cock but this time the man said, "My dear young Zeb, may I teach you a new thing?"

"Okay, I reckon." Zeb replied.

"Get my organ as wet as you can with your saliva while I work on your body and I will show you."

Zeb was surprised when he felt Mizak's tongue brushing his young anus, but the feeling was incredible and he lifted his leg to make it easier on the man's burly body to get up close and personal with his shit-hole. He wetted down Mizak's cock until his saliva was a gray, greasy coat on the man's rod, and he said, "Well, I reckon I can't do no more on this here honker of yours, so it's time for you to show me what you're going to show me."

"Very well, my young Zeb. Remember that while this may hurt some, my intention is to give you pleasure, so bear the pain if you can and tell me if you can't. Pain if it comes will not last, but the pleasure will continue."

With that, Zeb let the man push his stiff cock in between his young, thin legs and gripped with his heels Mizak's slender waist and the hard prong poked at his spit-slicked butthole and then it stuck there and when Mizak pushed into him hard, Zeb only let out a small gasp more of surprise than of pain. "I didn't know you planned to stuff that thing up my rear-end." he moaned. "But I seen two young dogs, both male, do this and the bottom one didn't seem to mind none, actually sort of liked it. Me, I ain't so sure yet."

"Give me time, my insistent young lover." Mizak smiled. "I shall do more." He pushed in deeper and darned if Zeb's bowels didn't suddenly throw a splash of joy out of that honker being shoved up his bunghole.

"Tarnation, but now it feels powerful good!" he gasped. "Do that some more, Mizak, and I'll howl like those dogs did while one of them plowed the other."

"I shall do that, and do more." Mizak promised and he began to thrust into the lad's welcoming bowels, and Zeb grunted and groaned and his hands clung to the large biceps of his male lover as Mizak rammed the boy rapidly and each stroke of the man's thick pud lashed Zeb with glorious delight.

Zeb crowed out his orgasm soon enough and Mizak grinned but didn't stop. Zeb lay panting as he was royally fucked with speed and skill by the burly warrior, who still didn't stop until his own orgasm seized his brains and he sped up his thrusting, spewed a thick heavy load into the boy's young bowels. Mizak moaned in his rapture, then slumped down over Zeb gasping for air, and feebly pushed himself over to lie to one side of Zeb instead of crushing him with his weight.

"Whew!" Zeb declared. "That felt amazingly good."

"Yes, it did."

"I want to go swimming!" Zeb declared as he got up. The man grabbed him and pulled him down again.

"You must be careful." he warned. "If you want to stay with me, you must stay by my side at all times."

"Why do I need that?"

"Look about you." Mizak explained. "See the trees? Which way did we come from to get here?"

"Why, we..." Zeb peered and was puzzled. Nothing seemed familiar. "I don't recollect at the moment." he said. "But I think it was over yonder thataway."

Mizak shook his head. "This is the nature of this place." he warned. "If you and I are separated, we will be lost to each other for a very long time, perhaps forever. I sometimes meet now and again a person I have met before, but otherwise, I never see them again. If we ever separate, I will be gone from you and you will be alone. If you wish to escape me, that is all you have to do, wait until I sleep and steal away, that is all it will take." He looked sad.

"No, I don't want that. But can we both find ourselves a pool or something." Zeb said. "One we can swim in."

"We can try going downhill and see what we find there." Mizak said. "Lower places usually have water, it is how to find water to drink when you need it."

They took off downhill and less than a hundred yards, they found a good-sized spring which was fed by a small waterfall from up the other hillside. Its water was crystalline clear and Zeb and Mizak drank from it, then they went in for a swim to cleanse their bodies more than to swim, the pool was too small for swimming.

"Now what shall we do?" Mizak said. "This place is an ever-changing marvel, we can explore and never find an ending to it. One man set out to walk in a straight line, he said, and he had been walking that line for a long time, marking when he slept his direction to continue his travel. He had traveled for many, many years without finding anything but what you see here."

"Then I guess it don't matter which way we go." Zeb agreed. "Long as you and I go there together."

"You belong to me, and I belong to you." said Mizak. "And if we travel, we will meet other men and boys with their own stories to tell us, and their own ways of making love they will share with us if you would like that."

"I reckon for now, I'm happy with just me and you." Zeb said.

Mizak smiled. "Let us go."

And with eternity in which to do it, they set out to see what else they could see and who they would meet.

At the Devil's Pool, the locals were summoned by Zeb's friends about him being missing, they came up with hooks, ropes and boats. They searched and dredged the waters, but none found any trace of young Zeb. More superstitious folk declared that the Pool had claimed another victim and all elders resumed warning their children away from the Devil's Pool, which to this day, lies waiting quietly for the next young boy or youthful man heedless enough to enter its waters.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in the "A Super in the Family" book)