Trial by Ordeal

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

The King's Judge's coach was escorted by myself and five of my fellow Seleval Royal Guards as we approached the town of Medegore, the coach being pulled by a set of four stallions, myself and my fellow guards riding saurs. Horses tend to shy away from saurs, but these stallions were inured to the smell of the large, two legged reptilian beasts. Four of my fellow Guards rode before the coach, and my friend Aleph rode with me behind the coach. We laughed and talked and trade stories with each other as we rode but we quieted when we reached the town. The ride for us behind the coach had not been as dusty as such positions often are, as a brief spring shower had wetted the roads without making the road itself muddy. The horses were leaving large hoofprints in the softened soil, which tended to obscure the larger three-toed feet of the saurs. Their large, serrated snouts huffed now and then but the saurs were well fed and well trained, they held to their reins even as we entered the cobbled streets of the town and wended our way through the narrow winding streets and the upper stories of the houses hung out over the floor levels.

There was a crowd waiting for the judge, this was odd for we were on the whole not popular with the populations of these towns as we were often seen as interlopers. Sometimes we would arrive to find the entire village emptied, everyone in the town having flown to hide in the forests around the cleared areas, mostly due to unpaid taxes to the King. But this group held the air of a festival.

My sergeant helped the judge out of the coach and he looked around, his thigh-length judge's cloak so stiffly starched the ends were flowing out all around, giving him a shape like a bell, with his thin legs in taut black tights making his dignified stride look a bit inappropriate. I favored my own loose shirt, blue tights and a sleeveless over-tunic with the Royal Guard's sigil that hung to my knees with just enough slack to let me move about easily.

The judge ascended the stage to the chair and took his seat, we arrayed ourselves in front of it, and I was glad our backs were to the judge as the view this gave of his groin was embarrassingly clear. Women in the front ranks were pointing and giggling, and I had to smile myself at their joy.

"Let the accused be brought forth!" intoned the judge and I took a more alert stance. We had received word that a thief that had been plundering the shops had been captured and that was why we were here. To judge the thief and administer the punishment chosen by the judge. To execute him if the judge so decided, or the lashes if he was to be whipped. Distasteful service, but given how nasty the prisons were, many thieves chose the whip to the cell. Bad as the whipping was, the chance to live through it was much greater, for disease had the prisons by the throat in Seleval, and most of the other nations of the Eastern Realms.

What they dragged between them was a dirty, frightened yet rebellious boy of no more than ten years of age, with his clothes ragged, his legs and arms thin, his blue eyes darting about like a hunted animal. "This is the one." declared a man wearing the large gold medallion of the local Guildmaster. "He has taken much from our shops and businesses, far more than his small frame would lead you to believe. We have captured him after many failed attempts and we must know from the punishment you mete out that he will never take from us again!"

The townspeople cheered as the locals dragged the child shackled at hands and feet, we all turned to face the stage as the ritual commanded, and the judge looked at the lad sternly. "What is your name, child?"

"I am Pidme." he declared defiantly. "And I'm innocent, these men charging me are themselves stealing and they are accusing me to hide their thefts!"

An indignant roar arose and the judge called for silence and we all raised our pikes and stamped them on the cobblestones until they quieted. "Can anyone vouch for you on this besides your accusers?" the judge asked the child.

"Nay, for their numbers are many and they beat down the smaller businesses to pay them tribute and join them in denouncing me." Padme explained. "I have none but myself to declare my innocence." He took a deep breath and declared, "I demand a trial by ordeal to prove my innocence!"

The townspeople murmured, they had expected the child to be beheaded, I think. The judge looked at the boy and considered. "The punishment must be such that you can only accomplish it through help from the Goddess of All." he mused aloud. "I am one who has declared that many of such trials leave the innocent dead along with the guilty, the only difference is how. So I won't toss you in a river in a sack to see if you will float or drown. There must be a clear victory for the innocent, and a cruel torment for the guilty."

His eyes went out among the many eyes and his own eyes lit upon myself and my fellow Guards. We were members of the Crossdale contingent and many unkind rumors had circulated about us, one reason we had been given this detail of pain and degradation. Left on a remote station for some time, our members had sought sexual surcease with each other, and the King had learned of it and brought us back and put our men to doing the worst of the Guards' details. Until we redeemed ourselves in battle or such, we would bear the tarnish of the King's displeasure.

So he looked at us and his gaze became both malevolent and satisfied. "I have with me six of the proud members of the Crossdale Guards, loyal subjects of the King and protectors of your land." A few townspeople jeered and booed, and I held my head steady. So Aleph and I had sought one bed for the cold nights and warmed ourselves with each other in more ways than one, we had done nothing to deserve the scorn held for us. We had not, and would not, apologize, for we were one league of soldiers, brothers in blood and battle, and to atone and apologize would be to declare our brothers to be the worst of men.

The judge continued. "I am told that being taken by the yard of a man's vigor into your body results in great pain and blood sometimes. But other times, there is no blood, only pleasure. Is this not so? Kethin?" He chose me to answer him.

"It is so." I answered and he smiled.

"I knew you would know the answer to that. So this shall be his ordeal. He is to be penetrated by all six of the members of the Crossdale Guards, and if he can do so and not bleed, then I shall know he is innocent, for the Goddess will not permit her innocent child to be harmed."

The boy was alarmed and looked frightened. "I accept the ordeal." he said but his voice was shaken.

"Guards, ascend the stage. Let the ordeal be performed here and now." He had a cruel tone, he could add fuel to the fire of the scandal and appease the town merchants as well. Seeing this small lad and the immense and cold-faced merchants, I didn't doubt that they had staged this theft to sell their wares in secret, the better to avoid the taxes of the King.

We climbed the stage, three to each side for there were two sets of steps to left and right of the stage. I was the second of the three, Aleph was third and Barekh, who had stood upon Aleph's other side at one end of our six was now closest to the center. We walked up and formed two lines on either side of the judge, leaving the boy alone on the front part of the stage and the crowd beyond.

"Take off your clothes, child." the Judge said almost kindly. "If you are innocent you have nothing to fear from these men."

"I am not afraid." the boy asserted and pulled off the rags that covered him, showing a body that was pale but divinely beautiful. He had a quality that even the smudges of grime on his face could not dim, and I found myself liking the boy.

"Barekh you will take the boy first, then Drubik (the man to the other side of the judge at Aleph's spot closest to the judge) then the divinely handsome Kethin (that to diminish me for my strong answer to his question) and so on. Watch carefully the penetration, all, so that we may see the blood when and if it appears."

Barekh lifted off his tunic, as did Drubik, and Barekh loosened his hose, spat into his palm and worked his rod, his powerful muscles rippling as his hand worked and the women watching him murmured in appreciation. He took several such trips before he revealed his manhood. His spit had it glistening like it was composed of sprite-flower dust. The boy was on all fours and he shivered as the broad, muscled body of Barekh walked over to kneel behind him. The position was such that they were from both sides, and the townspeople and judge could watch as he pointed his thick rod at the child's small buttocks and guided it in for the landing.

"Do it faster, faster!" a shrill female voice demanded. "You're stalling, thrust it in hard!"

Barekh got the cock propped against the young sphincter and put his hands on the boy's hips.

"Come on, do it!" a man called out.

Barekh took a deep breath and pushed his cock into the small form. The crowd gasped.

"It went in entire. I saw!" said a woman to one side of the crowd, if any could have observed the penetration clearly, it was her. "He has his entire yard within the boy's lower flower!"

"Come on, get to pushing it." a younger male voice cried out. "You have to work him harder if he is to bleed!"

Barekh began to move, and the crowd complained and demanded he go faster. But soon Barekh was moving quickly and I was relieved to hear the boy giving out small gasps of what was not pain, but rather a pleasure at the big man's pole driving in and out of him. I realized then that this small boy, probably an orphan who lived on the streets, had taken more than one man thus before now, and that the challenge for him was thus less than if he had been unknown to all men and their lusts before this date.

Barekh was a beautiful man and to watch him in lovemaking like this stirred my own memories of Aleph's body in my arms in our shared bed, our warm breaths a fog that enveloped our upper bodies as we kissed and moaned in the chilly winter night. I felt my body stirring and quickly shucked my own outer tunic and reached into my hose, preparing for my turn.

Barekh moved Pidme and the lad was now lying on one side with one leg held high by Barekh who thus showed the crowd the better his thick cock plugging the boy and none could doubt that the lad was indeed being impaled vigorously and deeply.

"That man makes love in the way of a dancer!" hooted one man and they laughed, but it was a kindly laugh followed by cries to urge Barekh to fuck more lustily and he did so, the boy crying out in his pleasure with each thrust by the strong man's body.

Barekh let out a cry of pleasure and shot into the lad with gusto, and I began to lubricate my own cock. I wanted to be as greased as I could be to spare this boy the pain I was sure he did not deserve. The crowd cheered and made rude comments about how short a time he had lasted and this was going to be a short show at this rate. Barekh had in fact been at the boy for a good five minutes. Was he supposed to endure for a full hour at this?

Drubik was next and I was glad that Barekh had preceded him, the boy had the virtue of the rich slimy joy ambrosia of Barekh's loins to smooth his way in, and even this man's rough nature would find itself made smaller by its presence.

Drubik snarled and made a cruel face by clenching his teeth and furrowing his brow, and he lined up his cock and then shoved it in roughly and hard. The boy raised his head and gasped and moaned, Drubik snarled again and his hand came down and roughly slapped the boy's buttocks and the boy cried out but subsided, and the rough Guard began to move as the boy moaned softly.

"That's the way, use that ruffian hard, make him feel your thrusts!" a man called out.

"Aye, that is the way." Drubik snarled, and he began to ram the boy's small buttocks roughly as he again slapped the young pale cheeks now glowing red from his rough palm.

Pidme moved his head from side to side and groaned as he was slam-fucked by the lusty, hairy Guard and these groans were more of joy than of pain. More than one of us Guards had braved his lance and found that it was both long and harshly applied and I saw the boy was indeed capable of handling even it with the joy of his body and the ability of his upbringing on the streets of Medegore. The crowd loved Drubik's rough treatment of the boy and urged him to thrust in harder, more force, drive out the blood of guilt heartily if there was to be some. Drubik was driven by the crowd's advocacy of his plugging and he gripped the boy's hips hard and pounded savagely into the small pale form subject to his mercies.

I saw Drubik beginning to pant and I quickly smeared my cock with more saliva and prepared to walk up to the lad soon as he was done.

"Is he bleeding? I see a wetness there!" someone called out.

Drubik heard and laughed and reached down and came back with his fingertips damp. "Nay, it is but my comrade Barekh's virility. He shot a lusty load in there and it has been squelching about my rod all the time I've been thrusting into him. There hasn't been a trace of blood, this is a willing lad to ride a sturdy dong."

He resumed thrusting hard into the boy and soon shot a loud groaning wail into the air and hot jizz into the boy and his roaring sounds of male lust awed the crowd. He finished with his jizz flying around visibly to the crowd's approval and rose, panting.

"This is no ordeal, the boy is willing!" the Guildmaster complained. "He must have more thrust within him than he has been, or he shall not be properly tested."

"What do you suggest?" the judge asked the man. "Perhaps one of the Guard's pikes instead, that would cause any man or boy to bleed." He paused, then said, "Aleph, join Kethrin and the two of you are to take this boy at the same time." His lips curled in a rough smile. "I know those yards of yours have kissed more than once before already."

Aleph shucked his own overtunic and clad as I was in a soft shirt and blue tights, we approached the boy. His eyes held tears but he looked at our faces and seemed to feel that in our hearts we were on his side.

"I shall need to take the boy atop me and me on my back for this." Aleph declared. "I shall take the boy first then Kethrin shall push his in from above with the boy in the middle."

"He'll be on top of you then. I don't misdoubt you have been in that position before frequently, so it should be easy for you to move that way." the judge said and the crowd laughed, hooting. In the ruckus, I thought I heard a few voices, not loud but there, cry out support for the boy, telling him to take heart and endure.

Aleph had done as I had, and his cock glowed with his saliva as he laid down and the boy, his legs spread wide, sat down upon his member and rowdy people in the crowd moved and peered to observe his penetration. His ample and beloved cock of nine inches glowed as it slid into the boy's shivering buttocks, and the lad moaned.

"Now you, now you, get it in quick!" shrilled the voice of a woman, no doubt one of the whores who had been laughing and making jokes most loudly of the crowd.

I knelt behind the small form atop Aleph and brought my own endowment atop his, my cock sliding upon his warm, firm shaft, and I found the small sphincter stretched around his rod, and Aleph lifted the boy up with his hands to stretch the boy's entrance, and I got my own yard positioned and thrust thus into the boy.

The boy cried out in genuine pain, but the mood of the crowd was such that we dared not dally, I pushed on in and the boy keened and moaned as I sank it in as deep as such a position will allow.

"Hold." the judge said and walked around us in that static pose and he examined our nether regions most carefully. "I see not a single bit of blood yet. The Goddess has smiled upon this lad, I think."

"Get them moving, make them work the boy roughly." the whore bellowed out. "If these be true men and not the flower-smellers of which I have heard, then they should plow most vigorously and make the little fuck-piece wail.

"Her words are true, these Guards are too kindly in their treatment, I say unleash them on the boy and let them take him as they will, in any manner, and see if that will bring forth the blood of his guilt rather than the pleasure of the whore-bed he sleeps in."

The judge could see the crowd was with the Guildmaster and he sighed and said, "The trial must be true, so let it be. Let Malik and Sweftwich join Aleph and Kethin at this time."

The crowd cheered as the last two guards discarded their overtunics and pulled down their hose, preparing for their assault. There was a mood descending upon this scene and I found myself caught up in it as the blood pounded in my veins and my senses were seized up by the frenzy.

"I agree, most now, and move well." the judge said as he sat back down.

Aleph was as transfixed by the scene as I was. We began to move as swiftly as we could, our bodies in tandem as we worked our two cocks as one. The boy moaned and cried loudly as we moved, but those cries subsided and we make the stage-boards rattle beneath us as we put on the best show for the crowd we could manage. They were a cacophony of laughter and rude jokes and cruel remarks, like "That boy will be split in two, I dare say!" or "He'll have to walk about bow-legged from now on!"

Malik straddled Aleph's head and seized the lad by his ears and twisted them, the boy cried out and Malik stuffed his cock into the boy's open mouth. Sweftwich lifted the boy's right hand up to his own yard and forced the hand to grip him and to move upon it. The crowd was delighted and cries of "Fuck him harder!" and "Make him yell!" and "Choke him with your member!" were shouted about us in our sexual frenzy.

With my lover's cock touching and caressing my rod, I moaned as our motions increased, the boy's bowels clutched at my cock as he writhed under us, and I panted and Aleph gasped and the boy moaned in his agony, the boards rattling about like mad things, I think they had not been well-made, or their nails had rotted away as such wooden spools tend to do, and the crowd's joy at this spectacle roared through my senses and turned itself into the song of the angels as my body found its summit and rocketed toward it swiftly.

"This shall surely tell the tale of guilt or innocence!" one citizen called out.

"Look at those two, they move as one, the boy is stuffed as if with one member the size of my forearm! He must bleed from that, if any would!"

"I see no blood, though, he is being protected by the Goddess!"

"Nay, this is a street urchin, he has known the yard of many a man before these, I judge." another declared.

"Fuck him lustier, that we may watch him take you fully!" demanded a woman who was white-haired and fierce-looking as a witch.

"Ahh, Aleph, I am near!" I panted. "I shall unleash my seed soon."

"I shall join you, Kethin." Aleph swore, "for I too reach my peak."

"Make ready to do likewise, Malik and Sweftwich." the judge told the last two Guards.

"Give them all a show!" Barekh urged us as we shuddered toward our climaxes. "Make the seed spray about like a fountain of the gods! Gah!" He advanced again upon the lad unbidden, and caught up the boy's left hand to force him to jack the stiff rod as he was doing for Sweftwich.

"I shall, I shall!" Aleph gasped, groaned, "I do now, I do! Ahhh-ahhhh!'

"I am with you, brother!" I moaned. "Uhh-uhh-uhhh!"

Malik pulled out of the boy's mouth and readed himself to impale the boy with his yard.

"Ohhhh, ohhh, ohhhh!" came the boy's voice and I realized that this would be a trio of ecstasy.

"Ahhh-ahhh-GAHHH-HUHHHH!" Aleph cried out in his rapture.

"UHHH-HUHHHH-GUHHHH-HNNNNNN!" I sang out with him.

"OHHH, OHHH, OHHHH, OHHH, OHHH!" Pidme crooned as his body danced with us.

"Marvelous, marvelous." the judge said. Malik and Sweftwich, be ready, I want you to mount the boy as soon as these two finish."

I heard those words in the thundering of my own senses and I finished, moaning, Aleph falling down onto the lad and he kissed the soft lips of the boy who was panting as hard as we.

"Now, now, be swift!" the judge ordered Malik and Sweftwich. "Kethin and Aleph, out of the way!"

We moved aside, our bodies rolling each to one side of the boy and Malik gripped the boy's buttocks and shoved it into the now lax opening without hindrance, as Sweftwich took advantage of the opportunity to plunge his yard into the boy's mouth, the boy was still panting and gagged as the rough rod was stuffed down his throat. Sweftwich didn't pause, he began to thrust in and out of the boy's mouth and the boy moaned and began to move his own head upon the hard tool in his mouth.

Drubik was re-energized and stepped up and now the lad had four Guards using his body for their lusts, with Malik pummeling his warm, soft ass, Sweftwich gasped as the boy's mouth willingly gave him joy, Barekh and Drubik receiving pummeling, rapid strokes with both of the boy's hands.

"He is a whore among whores, for he takes all four men at one time!" the Guildmaster declared. "This is not a proper trial for him to entertain, for he is no doubt as toughened as leather and can bleed no more from within."

The judge held up his hand. "Your time for protest is over and the boy did not choose the ordeal to undergo. The Goddess has guided our hand on this day and we must trust in Her to bring justice to our midst." To the Guards. "Do not let the boy choose the way of his working you, take him by force and increase your roughness to the best of your ability, we must have a true sign of the heavens."

"I hear and obey." Malik groaned and he grimaced fiercely and plied all his strength into slamming his potent yard deep into the boy's bowels with each stroke. Sweftwich held the head tight and began to do the same to the young mouth, yet the boy withstood the storm of lust and his hands upon Barekh and Drubik continued.

"Get a second member into his ass!" called out a whore and Drubik grinned and moved to get behind Malik. He squatted and with a talented ferocity I had to admire for its skill, he again forced a second thick rod into the boy's bowels. Surely, I thought as I watched, if anything can bring blood to this boy's nether hole, this will do it.

The crowd agreed and a strange hush fell as the crowd silenced and peered intently at the ongoing gangrape of the hapless lad. I rose and staggered back to my station. Aleph had already done so, and handed me my own overtunic as he held the other in his hand, and together we redressed as the boy cried anew at the further depredations of his body.

The only sounds were of male voices panting and groaning in their lust and in this surreal scene came the cry of passion. Malik was orgasming and he cried out as he shot his load into the boy's bowels.

Sweftwich was panting hard but heard and ripped his dripping rod from the boy's mouth and moved to take the lad, even as Drubik again enjoyed the boy's warm bowels and resumed the rough fucking he favored. As Sweftwich approached, Drubik's face took on an astonished expression and he struck his second climax as his fellow Guard arrived.

"AHHH-GUHHHHH-HUHHHH, AHHHHH!" He bellowed out and after the first wave of orgasm released him, he moaned, "I have been seized by the Goddess, she has forced me to relinquish the boy to you, Sweftwich."

"Then move aside that I may finish this." Sweftwich claimed the boy's anus and impaled it roughly.

Barekh sprayed his lusty seed over Pidme with a glad roar, and that left only Sweftwich alone to pound the soft ass as he did. We all withdrew and left the two and the judge rose from his bench for the examination and it was clear that the matter was close to an end. The only sound in the court was the pumping of his yard and the cock as it slapped in and out of the well-filled ass sounded like a churn makes as the cream is turned to butter, *sha-shk, sha-shk, sha-shk!*

Sweftwich panted and unleashed his seed with only soft moans to mark it, and the man nearly swooned as it ended, the spunk flowing liberally onto the floor of the stage and he slumped and panted and the judge ordered the stage cleared but for the now unmoving lad. and he forced himself alert and thrust himself away from the lad who now lay prone on the stage alone, for the judge to inspect.

Peering carefully at the boy's slap-reddened buttocks, examined the spillage, and then ordered Aleph and myself to hold the lad upside down as he stirred back to consciousness so he could more easily scan the violated sphincter. He peered, getting so close his nose nearly touched the soft sphincter that had seen such cruel usage. He rose and motioned us away and we released the now-conscious boy who stumbled to his feet, and Barekh handed the lad his rags to let him dress once more.

The judge was back upon his bench and he took the Staff of Decision lying propped against the back of the chair and rapped on the floor of the stage with the spherical head. He had decided.

"I have examined the defendant as required by the trial of ordeal and I proclaim that, as there is no blood to be seen, the boy is innocent as he claimed and shall be released."

Barekh and I carried the boy off the stage to be ministered to, a sympathetic physician was waiting for the lad at the foot of the stairs and we gave the boy to his care.

"This is an outrage!" demanded the Guildmaster. "I say that there was not a proper ordeal and he must undergo a further trial!"

"You swear to his guilt, yet the Goddess has spoken otherwise." the judge told the man who was turning red in the face of his anger. "Know any of you present otherwise?"

"I do!" came a voice from the crowd and a man walked forward.

"Careful of your speech, Monnoch." warned the Guildmaster.

"I know that last night, until the Guild guards came to seize the boy, that he was sitting behind my own home." the man said. "He could not have been chased there, for my wife took the boy some food a few minutes before. I declare this to be true, and I repent of my withholding of the evidence from your ears, My Lord."

"It is true, the Guildmaster lies!" called another voice.

"He seizes our money to line his own coffers."

"He has taken our town by the throat and we bleed ourselves dry!"

More voices rose in such talk, and soon the Guildmaster had turned from rage-red to pale-white in the charges.

"I shall report this to the King and he will take proper actions." the judge said. "In the meantime, I order the Guildmaster to be confined to his own home, not to leave it or receive guests of any kind, until we can hear back from the King in three days' time."

The crowd was worked up but his voice rose above their rumbling. "This trial is done. Are there more cases to be brought before me?"

Most of the crowd dispersed and the supplicants of lesser cases began to approach the stage to be heard. I saw the physician carrying Pidme in his arms back to his own offices.

We Guards in the following days stood watch over the Guildmaster's house and when the word came to bring the Guildmaster back in chains to the King for a personal trial by him, I never felt such a happy satisfaction when I fastened the same chains that young Pidme had worn on those chubby wrists and ankles. The Guildmaster was transported in a cage built onto a wagon by the townspeople and Barekh and Malik went with the wagon back to the King's manor.

We left the town ourselves the next day, Aleph and I following the Judge's coach as before while Drubik and Sweftwich rode ahead. There were four more towns and twelve villages yet for us to visit.

Once we had ridden out of the town and could talk freely, Aleph said, "What do you think that young Pidme will do, now that he has been freed."

"He cannot be safe in the town, for there will be others besides the Guildmaster who will wish vengeance." I decided.

"If I were such a child on my own, I should seize a chance to escape." Aleph agreed. "The Judge's coach and the baggage it carries behind it, have you noticed it well?"

I hadn't but looked. It had an extra sack, one that hadn't been there before. About big enough for a boy to be curled up in. As I watched, the contents shifted into a more comfortable position.

I looked at Aleph and smiled. "I think we can make room in our tent for one more, if he be small." I said.

"I agree." Aleph replied. "Let us ride a bit further and we shall investigate this more."

By the time we reached the village of Feather Creek, young Pidme rode behind me on my saur, his young arms clutching my waist and warm, so warm, against my body. We could conceal the boy from the Judge's gaze long enough to ferry him back to the Guard's barracks for a new and better life than this boy had known before.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in the "The Man With the Antiviral Cock" book)