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Young Chet is a boy of the future studying history but your history classes were never anything like this! He not only gets to learn all the dull facts at super-fast speed, but when he begins to lose interest, he can get into a time machine and go back in time to pay a visit to various historical figures. While he's there, Chet has some unique abilities that let him literally seduce any man he wants to so he gets to know the likes of George Washington, Alexander the Great, Neanderthals, Spartans, Samurai lords, Vikings, Cowboys and a whole lot more. I've been a long-time history buff and done my research and kept everything as close to reality as this storyline would let me, so you should be able to enjoy what you read without feeling like you've fallen through the Looking Glass into an alternate dimension. Any character I didn't have some reason to feel they were inclined to welcome a hot young boy in their bed, I had Chet wield his odd power to warp their senses into diving into the fun willingly.

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