The Summoning

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

My brothers and I were working in the fields when the call came. It was from the Temple of the Guardians summoning us to the Temple. Our lands were in danger, and it was time again to seek the aid of the Guardians. The guards at the entrance to our valley had seen the approaching horde and had lit the fires of alarm, the column of smoke and light of the fire burned in warning. The invaders would be here within the next few hours, for the day was only well begun.

We passed by the women and girls in the fields on our journey and saw their worried faces as we passed. They would work a little longer, then have to go to the homes and gather up our most prized possessions and take them to the hiding place. We prayed that the invaders would not know of the hiding place, it was our village's most careful secret, and we had buried our granaries with their supplies of grain and dried meats and other staples we would need if the invaders burned our homes and crops. This was the women's duty, to guard against defeat. Our duty was to guard and win against the enemy. And to do so, they needed every man and boy of our village.

We arrived at the temple where the three priests, our eldest men, were saying the prayers to summon the guardians. In the innermost circle was the sacred drummers, around them were the warriors, fifty eight of them, all men between the ages of eighteen years and forty years, including my brothers Elden and Mordin. Around the outermost ring and closest to the priests and the emblems of the Guardians, stood me and my brother Caprin. There were twenty-six of us, we younger boys and teens of the village, but they would not need all of us, nor all of the warriors. Only twelve of each would be chosen.

Watching our tributes from their places around the rings upon the walls of the main room were the twelve emblems, the twelve Guardians, laid out in the twelve directions of the Earth. As they chanted the rituals we joined in the refrain, just three words said after each verse of the ritual. "Come to us." is what we chanted. "Come to us." As we did, we walked slowly around the circle, the warriors in a clockwise direction, we boys in a counter-clockwise circle, large enough we could walk single file, the warriors were in three raggedly spaced lines moving at different speeds as their circles permitted. This mixed our combinations to the emblems constantly as the priests intoned and the drums beat and we men and boys answered the priests with the same refrain.

Above all the sounds of our voices, the sacred drums were beaten by six acolytes, those elders who would, when the three eldest priests/men died, become priests in their stead. Thus was the Temple, and thus were the Guardians, and they would not fail us we felt sure.

As the ritual finished, the light that entered through the hole in the roof above us began to shine in twelve distinct rays upon the twelve emblems. The light struck each emblem, which was a man's face rendered in a stylized manner, and the each Guardians' eyes held jewels. The prize the invaders sought, no doubt, for they were the Stones of the Guardians, these twenty-four jewels, they were the power that kept our village and our valley safe. If the valley could not be saved, if the village would be burned, this temple we would defend to the last man of us.

The lights struck the jewels and the jewels glowed with their own power. The priests chanted faster and we answered faster, and faster, come to us, come to us, come to us!

At the moment of highest tension, the lights burst out of the jewels, half of the lights, one of each of the twelve emblems, shot out and struck one of the warriors. The other twelve shot out among us younger boys. I had seen this twice before in my young life, I was but nine years old, and had a bit of time to wonder who the Guardians would choose this time, when the light from one of the emblems, the one of Gordor the Strong, struck me in my chest and I staggered, felt the Guardian's power enter me.

The other warriors and other boys fell to the ground, leaving only us twelve warriors and twelve boys standing, and we walked, threading our way among the prone bodies to the front of the temple.

Each emblem had shot its own light and thus we were paired, the warrior and me, and the priests and acolytes matched us, warrior and boy, as the guardians had chosen. We went to the emblem of Gordor the Strong, beneath his emblem was a small room.

Once there, I dared look at the man chosen to be with me. I knew him, of course, but the light in the temple had hidden his identity from me until this moment. It was Devrin, of the Clan of the Eagle. I had watched him in mock-battle many times, he was a valiant warrior, handsome and strong, and I had studied his moves as I did all the warriors, to learn what I would need to know when I took up the spear and shield to become a warrior like Devrin, I would be Makkon, of the Clan of the Wolf. A noble clan, as noble as Devrin's, Gordor the Strong would be pleased at our union under his emblem.

I looked at Devrin and he looked at me and it was as if we had never seen each other before. Within his breast and his eyes there burned...a fire. The fire of Gordor the Strong. I felt that power and that strength he was giving Devrin, pouring the Guardian's energy into his body, making him powerful, making him strong, making him fearsome, the power surging so strongly that the Guardian had summoned me to be with him during this hour. To be thus chosen was an honor, and I trembled before his male majesty as the Guardian's power made him even stronger, more powerful, more attractive to me, the boy who adored him.

He seized me in his powerful arms and his lips met mine and he kissed me hard, as if he wanted to press his very soul into me. His arms slid over my body, feeling my young muscles, and as he moved his hands, the power of Gordor flowed through me as well. This was my lot in this, to take a part of Gordor's power and thus permit Devrin to assimilate it more slowly. He would get it all back soon, in what came next.

I felt the power and I kissed back equally and my small body muscled up as had Devrin's, and I moaned as I felt Devrin's manhood pressing against my stomach. Our clothing was of the village on a warm spring day, that is, the bare minimum to preserve the rituals, in my case a simple loinwrap to be removed, and for him, a pair of leather leggings and a fur flap fore and aft to keep his body modest and his legs covered for running after prey in the brush of the forests.

But these were soon removed and I beheld the thick pole that Devrin possessed. How much of this imposing organ was his own and how much was Gordor's power I could not say, but his entire body had expanded in all ways masculine and powerful, was this not a part of that power? I knelt, trembling, to take his dong into my hand, and I brought its immense length and girth up to my lips and I opened my mouth and I let it sink into me. As I did, Devrin's powerful hands grasped my head and he shoved his hips at me and the prong's glans and shaft were perforce shoved deep into my mouth and throat, I felt it crawl down my throat so deep I feared I'd die, choking, upon its glorious size and virility.

But Devrin didn't hold it there, he pulled his hips back and the cock's length slid out of my gullet and I could breathe once more. But I felt so empty with it gone, and I moaned and I stuffed it back inside my mouth and throat again myself, and I moaned with it inside me for the joy of it; that vibrated my throat around Devrin's prick and he groaned himself, and his hands came down to hold my shoulders and he began to thrust in and out of my mouth at a rapid speed.

My mouth took it, innocent in the ways of love as I was, it was the power of Gordor feeding my lust and my brain and it knew what to do as though I had done this for many more years than I had been living. So I milked at his dick as he thrust at my face and he groaned and moaned and when he had done this a time and his cock was a shaft thick with the grease of my mouth's moisture and my throat's mucus, he moaned one more time, then shook himself, pulled his dong from my mouth though I longed for it and whined in my need, and he stopped long enough to pick me bodily up to lift me onto the small altar of stone that stood nearby.

The altar was some four feet long and two feet wide, and it held my body well, but had no room for him at all, so he stood and with my back on the altar, he held my legs upwards and his cock's slippery head poked at my anus. Again, my body knew an aeon of information and my sphincter relaxed and let him slide into me deeply and easily and I cried out, and he penetrated me to the very base of his immense organ.

"Blessed be the Guardians." Dervrin breathed.

"Long may they protect us." I sighed.

"Together we serve them."

"And they serve us." I finished.

With that, he began to fuck me lustily and in this lovemaking was very little of Gordor and very much of Devrin, he was a man and I was a boy and he was loving me and I was adoring him, and I knew then that the bond we shared this day would be with us for the rest of my life, the way my father and the elder Petrin were close, and the young man Malrin who followed my father often on his labors and was a frequent guest at our fireside on winter nights. I now understood that bond they shared, it was beyond that of friends or of man and woman or parent and child, it was a bond that could never be severed through the ages, that would endure though mountains eroded away and rivers drained all their water to the oceans.

I held to his powerful arms that rested on the altar on either side of my ribs and I clutched and let him pound my young body with all his excess energy and all of his lust which drained from him into me, and in my own desires, filtered back to him. Our souls were meshing together, our joys were intertwining, I was feeling what he felt, I was dreaming what he dreamed, I had visions of his life as a young man that told me all of his hopes and desires, and as I did I knew that he was experiencing mine as well.

He moaned and the urgency of our lovemaking became faster and he needed me and I needed him and the need became desire and the desire became joy and the joy became flesh and ignited our bodies and he threw his head back and keened in his desire while I moaned and clutched his arms tighter and we shared the orgasm that flowed between us back and forth at the speed of the gods, and I felt a man's climax for the first time and knew that this ultimate joy would one day be mine!

His spunk pumped hard into me and he gasped and groaned and moaned and his body's glow faded somewhat. As it did that, I felt the energy he had shared with me flowing in to fill the void and the man that was Dervin transmorphed even further and it was not Dervin that stood there, but Gordor the Strong, and he was now the Guardian made flesh and in this he would go out and defend our valley against the horde that dared attempt to steal our treasures.

For myself, I was exhausted and lay upon the altar all that day and night and the next day. The acolytes brought me food which they fed to me for I was too feeble to even lift my head and they put small bits of the food in my mouth so I could chew and swallow it, and dribbled water in for me to drink. I spent thus a second night and waited. In the distance we could hear the battle raging on, our warriors fighting fiercely, aided by the powerful twelve Guardians who had come to us, summoned to defend our valley once again, leading our warriors with their ferocity, their bravery and their skill in battle. Numerous as that oncoming horde may have been, they never truly stood a chance.

On the third morning, Dervin returned, still in the guise of Gordor the Strong, triumphant but weary. He leaned over and kissed me on the altar and I felt my legs lifted up and his powerful dong stuffed into me and he began to thrust with no further interlude, nor need for any. As he did that, I felt my strength return to me, Gordor was rejuvenating me, repaying me for what he had drained from me to manifest himself in Dervin's body.

As he made love to me, the mental bond returned and I saw the battle that had unfolded at the pass that was the entrance to our small valley, and the struggle that had lasted all that day and into the night, then resumed with a second assault the second day as the invader threw the last of his forces at us. When these were defeated, the invaders were in full flight, and the Guardians chased them and performed great slaughter of the men, so that those who survived would not dared return to molest us. We would be thus safe, until the next tribe wandering the plains beyond our pass saw our fertile lands and desired our happy life. When that happened, we would again summon the Guardians as we had and another warrior and boy would share their love and restore the Guardian to the land once more.

The lovemaking this time was of a different slant in that as we loved, as our desires increased, the presence of the Guardian diminished and the deity that had loved me and drained me of every bit of my boyish energy to complete its transformation of Dervin was returned to me as the Guardian left him once again.

As the god became a man again, it was Dervin and he was just a man loving me and his cock was even of a more sensible size, it was delightful in my body but not the overwhelming filling of my body as it had been. His face, too, was mortal and he looked at me with the eyes of a man who had found the one he wished to share his life with, a look that is as precious as love and in some ways, so very much rarer, for it included, but did not depend upon, the joining of our bodies in lust, he could endure with the emotion alone.

But the joining was thus proper and even desirable and I gripped his body and pulled him down to me and we held each other in our arms and his hips drove me to the heights that the human body can attain, my own orgasm was not the earthshaking one I had felt before, but it was very, very good, and Dervin's climax was one that gave him tremendous delight and when it was done, he smiled and looked at me, his face sweaty (it hadn't been before) and he laughed shakily and kissed me in exhaustion and it was all human and it was all good.

Done, my energy restored, and me happy, we put back on the clothing we had worn two days before, I my loincloth and him his leggings and loin flaps, and we walked out of the temple. The populace had gathered to cheer us as we walked through them, my hand in Dervin's bigger one, and my family saw and their chests were swelled with pride.

As for Dervin, he and I were now known to have a bond that was blessed by the Guardians. He and I would share our lives and our beds and our love many, many more times in the days to come. He would marry, perhaps, and so would I, but even that could never, never end the bond that had been formed, when the Guardians had been summoned to rescue us.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in the "A Taste of Paradise" book)