Awake Fourteen Years Too Soon

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

"Catch me if you can, Corey!"

"I'll get you, Bobby!"

"Nyah, nyah, you're too slow!"

"Just you wait until I'm over these cables!"

"Let's go to the axis room!"

"Yeah, sounds great!"

Two naked boys ran through the hallway of the starship, a hallway which was flat to their feet, but arced upwards in front of them and behind them, for this hallway was part of a ring that rotated constantly and thus provided Coriolis effect equivalent to the pull of gravity, they ran thus, lightfooted due to their youth not their weight, laughing through the many machines that fed and lighted and cared for this starship without the direct help of any human hands. Their world was this hallway and many, many rooms that likewise curved the same degree, and for them everywhere they went was level and flat. Up and down for them were ladders that they climbed up or down, to get to the next levels, but they rarely did that. Those levels were where all the "freezer people" were. These two boys were the only active humans aboard this starship and would be for another fourteen years. Due to an unfortunate failure in the machinery, their two sleeping canisters had awakened them fourteen years too soon.

They had been two of these eternally sleeping people who were sent to colonize a far planet via this constant boost ship. The drive was only a tiny fraction of a gee in power, but the drive never stopped, but went on and on and after a time, they had reached an appreciable percentage of the speed of light. Most of the time, though, they had been traveling much slower than light, the end result was that the distance of 458 light years from Earth this ship was going to would take, due to the time dilation effects of such travel, a mere twenty-seven years relative to this ship. A thousand years would have passed on Mother Earth, a planet these two would never see again.

The changeover from acceleration to deceleration had been (for some reason the technicians would argue about in the future once it had been discovered by the now-sleeping colonists) what had triggered the two containers that had housed these two boys to start the reactivation procedure, and had roused them from a sleep-like state that suspended all life functions (and thus left the person physically unaged). They had awakened, Bobby and Corey, still children in body and mind, and they had sat up, puzzled, saw each other across the hall, the only two awake forms in a sea of slumbering people. After a short delay spent throwing off the effects of the suspension of life and time, sped up by the resilience of youth and the aid of the drugs and other cords connected to them, they had stood alone in the multitude of sleeping passengers aboard this ship and faced their situation in the manner only children could.

Awake too soon, Bobby, age seven and Corey, age eight, were alone and would stay alone for the long deceleration time it took for them to reach the new star system they were traveling and yet arrive at a speed sufficiently slow to allow them to stop and orbit the planet of their choice. They might have starved, or died of dehydration, or such, had it not been that the makers of this had planned to some extent for the possibility of sleepers awaking too early. The containers opening had also activated other parts of the ship, started up the spinning ring's life systems under minimal power (increased as these boys entered the various areas, decreased again as they left). These two boys were thus left to their own devices and had only each other. They were fed upon demand (subject to the machine's careful monitoring of their weight and health), slept wherever they cared to sleep, entertained by any number of lounge areas that could call up a prodigious amount of programming and games, and access to play area equipment that exercised their bodies (also monitored and gently encouraged by the machinery's computers) to keep them in top physical form. And if they felt lonely, there were rooms with three-dimensional wall displays to make them feel like they were anywhere on Earth they chose to be.

But boys need little incentive to play and they'd had the luck to find each other to be complementary and amiable companions. So their days were filled with play and joy and happiness and if they grew sad or contemplative, the machines noted it and urged them to better humors. Their parents, they were assured, were asleep and safe, and neither boy had any aggressively destructive tendencies.

So their game of chase/tag was tolerated by the central computer which tended them, and they were warmed and lighted on their way to the central axis of the ship and the long, cylindrical room which waited for them there. They raced up the ladders as part of their game (two ladders at each juncture), that made the task of changing decks a climbing competition for these boys, and toward the end they didn't even need to use their feet, their hands alone could pull their bodies up the ladders, so they sailed rather than climbed the last ten decks.

The "axis room" was basically a padded free-fall gymnasium, freed of the need to hoist your own body about, you could engage in endlessly agile athletics and pirouettes that would make a prima ballerina pale green with envy.

The boys tumbled into the compartment as the door dilated open and then closed after them, the closing pulled padding across that area as well as the boys "flew" through the compartment.

Hitting the far wall some twenty feet on, they bounced at angles deliberately different and began a complex bounding game of tag-you're-it as they passed each other or avoided each other with a "nyah-nyah-nyah!"

The game went on quite some time, for the body didn't expend much energy on pushing the mass of body around, but the gyrations and contortions they used to change their flights in mid-air (one could do so with practice, and these two practiced often), after over a half hour of such, they were more than ready to pause and take a break.

"Time out, time out!" Bobby panted.

"Cheater." Corey accused him, but without heat or rancor, as he was also panting. He landed on a wall and pushed off gently, floated slowly outwards. Bobby saw this and made his next bounce move to intercept his buddy in mid-air.

They clung and tugged and wrestled with each other, and their bodies bounced about with the residual energy, but air resistance made itself known as they didn't push as they bounced, and soon they were floating both slowly in the middle of the compartment, Bobby at a right angle to Corey in an "X" of sorts, and his mid-body touched Corey's backside, a "stomach-to-buttocks" contact that would not do at all. Corey saw Bobby's feet to his left and grabbed one leg and hauled at his friend, and that spun them both in the air without moving them in any direction, and soon they were face to face.

Pausing thus, let us look at these boys. Bobby was big for his age, and they were of a single height within an inch, their faces were much alike though Bobby's was more squareish overall with rounded cheeks, while Corey's was longer with large square cheeks. Bobby's hair was black and Corey's a pale blond, and their skin shades were also faintly different, Bobby's skin was a lightly darker shade of brownish tan color than Corey's. They smiled at each other with a singular accord of thought and when their hands moved, they moved together without a word exchanged, to capture and fondle each other's cocks.

Bobby had a slightly larger dong than Corey's, as well, though at this age that didn't signify much about future development, Corey's maturation process was slightly slower than Bobby's, was all, but both well within normal parameters of the human race.

Their hands had done this numerous times since their awakening four months before, and by now they knew each other's shape and needs intimately. Bobby knew Corey liked it when they pressed their willies together so that one of them could pleasure both himself and the other at the same time, he pushed them together and Corey smiled and let Bobby take charge while his own hands gently pushed them back away from the now-close wall and they drifted slowly back toward the center.

Their small hands busy on each other, Bobby would have been happy with just that, but Corey had other ideas for this day. He said, "Hey, you want to try something different today?"

"Sure, what?" Bobby asked.

"With our wieners."

"Sure, what?" Bobby repeated.

"We use our lips instead of our hands to work them."

Bobby considered this and his youth and unique circumstances kept his mind happily free of much that belabored the human race. "Sounds like fun."

"I think it will be." Corey said. "I saw a picture in one of the rooms." he explained. "And I think I know what to do."


Corey used his abilities of freefall movement to spin both of them so that they were revolving in opposite directions and when Bobby's feet came up to his face, he caught them and halted Bobby's spin (relative to himself, that is) and pulled the boy's body "upward" above his head so that soon the young stiff rod was within easy reach of his face.

"Now, watch what I do and do it with me." Corey said breathlessly. He was getting excited, a mouth is so warm and wet, he knew, what would it feel like. He'd tried it with one of his fingers, and figured it would be terrific!

His mouth slid down over the young rod and Bobby moaned and dove onto Corey's prick. Corey grunted, and he said, "Ow, ow, use your spit, make it soft and smooth, and...Ow! Watch your teeth, too!"

"Sorry." Bobby said and went back in more gingerly and Corey released a long hiss of pleasure. "Yeah, that's it, Bobby, do it like that, pay attention to me and do what I do." He had found not one picture, but a series of pictures some working man of historic past had brought to the top and either lost or deliberately concealed it here, Corey had inquired of the master computer about the images and the computer had delivered the unvarnished truth in answer, so Corey knew a good deal by instruction and was learning while teaching his friend about more.

Soon the two boys were in happy harmony of sucking and being sucked, their bodies swirled about heedlessly in the weightless compartment, they bumped now and then but ignored the gentle tap of the padding and wafted back toward the center again and again.

As their joy increased, their moans began to rise in sound and Corey was first to climax, he shook with the joy of delightful tingling that was the most his young body could give him, and Bobby giggled but kept sucking even as Corey resumed his oral working on Bobby's prick.

Soon it was Bobby groaning but something magical was going on with Corey's body, this tingling had usually ended with the young dong becoming extremely tender for a time, but the soft lips and warm moisture diminished that and the tenderness ceased and in its stead came a second glory rising, one that made the one before seem like the mildness of a light rain compared with a thunderstorm. Bobby grunted and wriggled, but Corey thrashed with powerful paroxysms, and his groans were only short of outright yells.

Bobby finished his lesser climax and then asked, "Are you all right, Corey?" he wanted to know.

"Oh, oh, I'm fine." Corey breathed. "That was incredibly awesome. I had a second one, and it was huge!"

"A second one?" Bobby was dubious for his own piddle was now complaining at every touch however mild. But he trusted his friend and they agreed to try again in a bit and see if Bobby could experience this for himself.

With the heedless joy of youth, they returned to their freefall exercises, breathing and laughing and springing about like a pair of crickets in a box, but where the crickets are in a panic, they were rejoicing at the pleasure that they had and would have.

After this was done, Corey, panting anew, said, "I'm hungry."

"Me, too, let's go get something to eat."

The master computer had monitored everything and the light green arrows of direction that it sometimes gave guided them to a larger lounge than before. The tables were extravagant and the Earthbound dweller would have recognized this as a "first-class lounge." The reason the master computer had guided them there was that it boasted a large screen for them to view entertainments as they ate, it was intended to show people as if live before them performing the stage acts that were standard fare for such elite entertainments.

But what showed on the screens were what those same people would have described as "pornographic." Corey and Bobby ate, but were gawking at the explicit images and scenes of men (two men) making love in all sorts of ways.

The master computer can be forgiven, it was intended to mostly handle adults awakened and the prospect that only children would be involved was unprecedented. For children, it had a program that was intended to "teach through life," in that, as the boys encountered or discussed this or that subject or thing, the computer would react, expanding on their experience with information or setting up encounters. These two were thus getting a varied but somewhat haphazard (according to the teaching standards of prior centuries' Earth) education via life experiences, each such session going to a grand end result of having the young man that this teaching produced knowing a little about everything and a lot about the things that interested them most.

So the master computer proceeded in the course of that hour at the table to show the two boys everything two males could do that would result in sexual delight, including the juices that, it explained, their bodies would one day soon be producing for itself, and that this was normal.

At the end of the meal, Bobby was more than eager to try out these things for himself, beginning with another chance to reach that "second time" that Corey had experienced.

So he lay upon a soft mat while the environment screens around them gave them a warm sunny day at the beach with people playing and laughing around them, and in the midst of this, Bobby was sucked by Corey as he lay and simply experienced it.

Bobby hit the first climax as before and grunted and shook then relaxed. But Corey didn't stop, he kept moving his lips and laving the young dick with his warm saliva and Bobby soon started spasming as Corey had in the chamber and he ended with a yowl of sheer delight that Corey took for the divine delight he had had for himself before.

Done, the two laughed and played and Bobby then sucked Corey a short time later, and they spent the rest of their day in play and delight and, here and there, the master computer, taught them this and that about the universe.

And so it was that, some fourteen years later, Bobby, age 21 and Corey just turning 23, returned to the axis chamber for some exercise. They had still not donned any clothing as they had grown up without it, both were adult, handsome, muscled men in the prime of their life and with happy faces unlined by travails or worries in their lives. In the chamber, they floated and their lips found each other's now full-fledged dongs and their mouths delivered all the glory they had learned for a long time, sucking each other this time (though now they knew so many other ways to delight and enjoy each other).

There came a chime they had never heard before. "The chambers will be opening." the computer announced. "Primala 4 is before us and we are showing an atmosphere and life signs that make it imminently suitable for life and colonization. You will need to don clothing that is being brought to you, and the rest of the colonists will be joining you on the decks within the hour."

Corey and Bobby looked at each other and grinned and laughed. They couldn't be happier, and knew that their mothers and fathers and Corey's brother and Bobby's sister would be so surprised to see them, despite having awakened fourteen years too soon, had survived and thrived and were now fully grown, happy adults, more than ready to join them in their new life on the new world.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in the "Naughty Boys Don't Need Santa" book)