Skinny Dipping

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM
Artwork (c) 2005 by Barton

Illustration of Skinny Dipping

Man, another hot damned day in late August. The trees were already turning yellow and gold and red-leafed for autumn for Christ's sake and the thermometer was sitting in the upper 80's all freaking day long. George Weatherby was working on a large project that promised him carpentry work for many months or even years, a housing development of 75 homes with small roads and a suburban feel to it, but the surrounding area was farms and ranches for nearly 30 miles. A commuter would be powerfully eager to escape the city to buy a home here!

George was sweating pitchers of sweat all day long and stood up to it with only one goal in mind. Lake Parrish. A small but clear-water lake that was one of the attractions planned for the people who moved to the little village-in-being he was building, the owner of all this land was planning to stock it well with fish and put in a swimming beach and all that...but that would be next year. For now, it was a secluded lake surrounded by forest and serene and isolated as it could possibly be.

George worked with the goal of when his work was done, he was going to drive to that lake and put in a good half hour or so of skinny-dipping. He hadn't done that since he was a kid living on a farm much like the ones around this development. To swim stark naked about like a fish and dive and be able to look around underwater in the clear lake, it would be Nirvana after such a miserably hot day putting houses together.

He had looked at the development's "map" of how everything was going to be and his eyes had picked out a small road that led to the lake. It would have to be expanded and such for the suburbanites to use to get to the beach-to-be, but for now, it would get his old pickup truck close enough to get to the lake.

Six o'clock came at last and his work day was over. George got to work at seven o'clock and worked until six, six days a week. You work these jobs while you can and rest comes when the job is done and lasts for weeks or months while you live off your savings. Feast or famine, and now it was feast but he was damned well going to get in an hour of skinny-dipping.

The road turned out to be fenced off with a gate, but it wasn't locked. No "no trespassing" signs were around, so George opened it and drove through, stopped and closed it again. He wouldn't damage anything, the owner shouldn't bitch to him about coming on their land. He bumped and bounced along on the poorly driven tracks of the "road" (damn, this was more of a cow path!) and made it to the lake. Hidden by some trees, he caught the glint of it as the road took a sharp right turn, if he hadn't seen the map, he would have missed it. He drove off the road into a small clearing and parked. Tramping through the bushes in his plaid work shirt, blue jeans and work boots, he got to the water's edge. No beach here! The grass and bushes grew right out to the edge of the water!

No matter, he wasn't interested in sun-bathing. His job did that for him right now. George stripped out of the sweat-drenched clothes with relief (damn, he had to peel his briefs off his crotch like it was a second skin!), and padded bare-footed, a hairy muscled work-worn tower of a man six foot one with black hair and sun-darkened skin, his muscles rippled as George moved through the few bushes and managed to get to the water.

Shallow, very shallow here. He had to walk out some thirty feet to get the water up to his knees! Another twenty feet and he was able to begin to swim and he did so, behaving in his solitude like a kid all over again, laughing and plunging into the water and coming up again to spit out a stream of water in his teeth. The water was cool but not cold, the feel was of being reborn, he loved and lived and rejoiced in the water. God, it felt so good to be out here, and....

"Hello, Mister." came a young voice. Startled as hell, George jumped partially out of the water in his shock and turned to see who had intruded on his solitude.

The boy was giggling at how he had frightened the man, blond-haired, thin but not quite skinny and maybe eight years old at most, he was laughing as he trod water five feet away from George. "Scared you, huh?"

"Hello, kid." George had to grin at the boy. "Yep, you caught me off guard. I didn't think anyone came to this lake."

"My family owns it, or will for a little longer." the kid said. "Dad sold the farm to the guy building all those houses over yonder and we have to move next spring."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry to hear you're losing this lake. It's wonderful."

"Yeah, I swim here all the time in summer. Going to miss it."

"What's your name, kid? Mine's George."

"Hi, George. My name is Eddie. Short for Edgar, but everyone calls me Eddie."

"I'll call you Eddie, then. Don't swim too close to me, I'm bare nekkid."

"Me, too." the kid giggled. "Don't tell Ma. She gets mad when I do it, even if it is here where nobody comes."

"They will when the developer is done, sorry to say. Be lots of kids in this water. Hope they don't muddy it up, this lake is beautiful."

"Sure is. Want to play some games?"

"Like what?"

Eddie had been slowly working up closer to him all along. He was now only a foot or so away and he reached out and slapped George's arm and said, "Tag, you're it!" and darted off in the water.

George swam after the boy who swam like a fish, but he didn't swim out too far and kept to a fairly small area, he managed on one of the boy's turns to tap the lad and said, "Tag, you're it."

"Nu-uh, you missed me." Eddie retorted.

"I did not!" George replied, because he hadn't.

"Did so!" The kid swam off and George pursued him anew. After a good bit of exercise which had George panting, he again caught the boy and this time gripped his arm and yanked him to his body. "Now I've got you. Tag, you're it, now!"

"Tag back." Eddie replied at once. They were in constant contact now, of course, the "tag" didn't take, they were in "tag back" and no touches counted.

George let the boy go but Eddie tackled him instead and the game of tag was officially over, they were now wrestling in the water. He had the boy outgunned by mass and muscle but Eddie was lithe as a water snake and slipped out of holds and around and managed to dunk George's head in the water and crowed, "You're out, I win."

George rose from the water and laughed, said, "Yeah, kid, you got me." He wiped the hair hanging down his forehead toward his eyes back up where it belonged and added. "Okay, now what?"

"I want to play Fish."

"Play Fish?" George said, bewildered. "I'm afraid I don't know that one. How do you do it?"

"I pretend I'm a fish. You'll see, just stay where you are."

George did as the boy submerged and watched him as a fluttering figure in the water, he seemed to be heading toward George and up to him and, "Awp!" He exclaimed as Eddie caught him.

But not with his hands. George's dong, a solid seven inches of hot male pud, had been semi-flaccid and bobbing up and down in the water like a lure on the fishing hook. Eddie had clamped onto the cock with his lips and now had George's dong securely in his mouth!

"Uh, uh, uhhhh!" George gasped. "You got me. Now what do I do?"

Eddie came back up and said, "You have to reel me in. You swim away and I hang on to you like I'm hooked."

George was panting and his cock was rock hard and he gasped, "Okay, I'm game."

Eddie dove back down and quickly again caught George's now prominent dong.

George moved to swim away and Eddie clung onto his hips with his hands and arms, but his mouth never left George's dong. The edge of the water was far off and George began that way but changed his mind and turned back to deeper water, turned onto his back and began to float.

This caused Eddie to bob to the surface along with George's lower body and the boy grinned at him around his cock and began to bob his head up and down.

The moment was pure bliss, the soft, still, quiet, clear water supporting him, the boy's warm lips stroking his dong and sending waves of gentle joy up through his spine, the trees whispering in the light wind, the occasional chirps of a bird and the distant lowing of cows a barely heard sound beneath it all.

His back scraped a rock, not painful for the rock was smooth-topped but it startled him. In the middle of the lake? He struggled and twisted and found the lake bed here was only about two feet deep. "What is this?"

Eddie was moving around and the boy sat down on the submerged rock, putting him only about a foot of water. "I just call it the Rock." Eddie said. "In droughts, the rock sticks out the water, but mostly it's like this, just under. A good place to sit and rest." The boy was doing so, and pulled at George's hand. "Get a little closer."

George did and the boy's mouth again closed on his cock and the boy began to slurp on his whanger with a will. George just stood as he was, the water up to only his calves, and let the boy suck his cock in the middle of the lake in the hot summer day as the trees watched and whispered among themselves.

George was groaning now, his legs so tired from the day's labor and no longer held up by the water, felt weary and he wavered back and forth as his passion grew. "Oh, fuck, yeah, Eddie, suck my cock, I'm about to come, I'll feed you, little fish, a big hot load. Suck it faster, shit, I'm so fucking close!"

Eddie sped up on his sucking and the man moaned, staggered, nearly fell, as his climax assaulted him, "I'm coming, here it comes, AH-AH–GAHHH-HUNNNNHHHHH!"

Eddie gulped as the wads flew into his mouth, the boy was adept and little if any escaped his hungry maw as the "fish kibble" gushed into his mouth. When George was done, gasping, Eddie sucked him anew, wrenching from his expired schlong every drop of spunk it had produced, whether the jizz had escaped its hanger or not.

George went down to his knees as Eddie let go of his prong, and he sat down in the water, not on the rock, and was up to nearly his shoulders when he was done. This put him below the kid's countenance and the boy beamed down at him. "That was so fucking intense, kid!" the man panted. "Shit, I haven't come in weeks, and that fucking drained every last drop out of me."

"My turn, now." Eddie said.

"Huh?" George's eyes were clearing and he saw the boy launch himself and swim out into deeper waters.

"You want this bait, you have to swim up and catch it!" he replied.

George swam after the boy though he was getting weary from the day's work and the exercise, but the boy only got into deeper water and went into a float, supine with just the smallest amount of backstroke with his arms, his legs trailing out behind him in the water. George caught up and the boy's legs parted to let the big man swim between them with his head only above the water and he got into position, found the depth here let him just stand erect in this level and he held the boy's body floating on the water at a ninety-degree angle and his mouth was at just the right level to suck the stiff little dong.

Eddie moaned as the big man sucked the tiny little dick and his tongue tickled the underside. The boy lasted only a short time, then he was groaning and thrashed as the boy's orgasm shook the lad too hard to let him float.

When the boy's thrashing stopped, George released him and said, "How about that, kid? Did I make a good fish?"

"The best." Eddie agreed.

"You were a happy little yellow-bellied snapper yourself." George joked.

"That's a turtle!" Eddie accused him.

"Uh-huh. Turtles grab hold and they don't let go." George agreed.

"Yeah." Eddie accepted the term in good humor. "Well, you were a hairy barracuda."

"Of course." George just nodded. "Whew! I hate to end the fun, but this has been a long, hard day and I haven't had supper yet."

"Come home with me." Eddie offered. "Mom'll have supper ready about seven thirty. Dad gets home from work at that time."

George was a long-time bachelor, such a man never refuses a sit-down meal offer. "Sounds great. Let me swim to where I left my clothes and you come to me and I'll drive you home."

The boy appeared from the bushes soon, no farm boy is ignorant of the layout of the forested parts of his own property, clad in red shorts and a yellow tee shirt and sneakers, and George moved the garbage from his passenger seat to give the boy room to sit. Tossing the dirty hamburger wrappers and such into the bed of the pickup, he drove the boy home and modestly walked through the door.

Eddie's family, the Parrishes (but not the man who had owned all the property the developer was working, a younger son of the man) were friendly and composed of a father, the son Eddie, and two younger children, boy and girl, with the girl still in diapers.

George apologized for his trespass which they waved off. "That lake is so big because it's so shallow. Lies atop a bed of solid granite stone which would have to be blasted out to make it deeper, and if they do that, the streams that feed that lake wouldn't fill it but partly full. The granite rock bed means fish can't live there worth a damn, either, my father tried that and failed. The whole darned lake ain't good for nothing more'n it is doing right now, water for the local wildlife and trees around it."

"So there won't be a marina built on it?" George asked.

"Nope, that lake is too shallow for boats and full of rocky ridges all over it." Mr. Parrish said. "My brother Martin knew it when he sold his piece of land that owned rights to the other half of that lake, but I'll bet that developer doesn't know. He plans to put in a whole damned country club and marina out there." the man laughed in a way usually affected by old people, a heh-heh-heh-heh like sound.

George said. "It makes a great place to swim on a hot day, though."

"Went skinny-dipping, eh?" Mr. Parrish said.

"Uh...yeah." George agreed. "Just cooling off after a hot day on the job. Hope you don't mind."

"Can he come back again, Dad?" Eddie added. "We could swim together every day. Just like today."

"I don't see why not." Mr. Parrish said. "It's a great feeling out there on the water, isn't it, skinny dipping?"

"The best." George agreed.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.

(The Story You Just Read is Available in the "The Boy in the High Tower" book)